Friday, September 5, 2008

How To Post Comments

Happy to say that I seem to have sorted out the bug that was preventing people from posting comments without registering - sorry for the confusion. You should be able to click the Comments button that has a number in front of it, and then enter a name or remain anonymous when posting a comment - without registering for a google email account (as cool as their system is).

Thanks for reading and participating - the comments do mean a lot to all of us.


Anonymous said...

Dear Marika,
Your son Mark is a gem. We all appreciate this blog that he has created so that we can keep up with you...not an easy task at the best of times (a little humour there).
I do miss you and I'm glad we had a chat last weekend.
It seems that you are in excellent hands and I'm hoping that we'll see you soon. You are the glue that binds us Madrona ladies together.
I'm off to 'man' the show this morning and I'll be thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

Dear Marika,
I just read the wonderful news that you seem to have come back to your old spirits! We are so happy that you feel better - Mark has given some examples in his daily review, so good wishes and good energy that are spread on you from all over the world really helps!
Tomorrow you will be even better than today!
Love, lots of, from Franci and Boo

Lorna said...

Hi Marika,

I'm so happy to hear that you made it to Alaska. Aren't the birds fabulous there? I remember seeing eagles sitting on their nests in so many trees, I forgot to keep count.

I'm sorry to hear that you are not well, but delighted by the messages in your blog telling of your progress to recovery of your strength and spirit.

I'm thinking of you alot and very happy Mary Baldwin forwarded me this blog and an account of how you are doing.

I'm sending lots of courage and focussed healing energy in your direction.

Love and virtual hugs,

Lorna (Roth)

PS. We started school last week and there is STILL no principal for the Simone de Beauvoir Institute. Chantal Maillé is Interim Principal for this academic year.

Anonymous said...

Hi Marika, We missed you very much at our birthday bash. Marsha has already given you a summary of the goings on and sent you photos so that you can imagine yourself to have been part of the celebration. How are you dearest friend? Mark is very good about keeping us updated about your progress.

Would you believe it, we already talked about the GH show as it will be hung on September 25th. Let me know which paintings you want to exhibit and their titles. Heaps of love Annelie

ellie said...

Dear Marika,

We are reading your blogsight every day, and feel so encouraged for you with all the progress you are making. Thank you to David for phoning us and to Mark for keeping us so well informed. I hope your whiskey, make-up and sketch book have arrived in your room!

Love from Ellie, Tom, Louise and Andrew.

Anonymous said...

Hello Dear Marika:
I have been trying to find my way through the mysteries of how to send you a message via this blog and suddenly here it is, plain as day. Good for Mark and this wonderful creation so that we can all keep in touch. I am so happy to read that you are surrounded with so much love and care and showing improvement. Lots of love to you, thinking about you constantly and missing our laughs together. Jakes.

Anonymous said...

Hi Marika,
It was wonderful to see you in Vancouver, though it was brief, the impact that you left on both Eric and myselfwas of strength, joy and vibrancy.
We are thinking of you and wishing you well.
love and health

Anonymous said...

Dear Marika,
Well, while doing my Greta Garbo bit over the tree, I totally lost track of your exciting life! Sorry to hear of the rotten time you've had but glad to hear you're more yourself as the days pass. I think of you often as do all your pals and that solid wall of good vibes should get working on your new digs soon. This blog is a grand idea, will keep up daily and hope to hear better news soon,

huggs, Kathleen

Anonymous said...

Eric and Lee Adler

Hi Marika,

Have been in and out of town with the only family I have. We have been thinking of you and send you our fondest best wishes.
Thank heavens for Mark's great blog. We check on you each day, hoping things get better and better.
Lots of love to you and David,
Eric and Lee Adler

Anonymous said...

Dear Marika,
You have been in my thoughts often recently as a model of ferocious elegance. Knowing you--with your determination, energy and glowing intelligence balanced with humour--is a cherished, if long-distant,gift.
Thank you, always,
Vicki Marcok in Montreal

Anonymous said...

Dear Marika
I missed the Art show-when I was talking to Marilyn on Friday she told me it was the last day.
Marilyn told me there will be another show at Goward House starting Sept. 29.I will be there for sure. I was so looking forward to seeing your strong work.
Marilyn told me you had five pieces in the last show. I am hoping you have that many or more in this show.
Marika, my love and prayers are with you
Love you
Jacquie Anfield

Rose T. said...

Dear Marika,
Want you to know that I am thinking of you and wishing you the very best. It is good to hear that you are feeling somewhat better, and you have regained some sparkle in your life.
Although we are on opposite coasts - as I am in Nova Scotia this year - we have friends in common. Susan and John Drysdale and Rhonda Semple here at St.Xavier.

Lots of love,
Rose Tekel.

Dougals of PG said...

I don't know what to say at this juncture; if Marika can still hear, you might tell her that her birding friends, like Doug Wilson, are thinking fondly of her, and thinking of David, and remembering happier days at birding meetings, wandering the trails and fields in search of the local specialties. I will remember her laughter and enthusiasm at these events, poking fun at the silliness of some of it. I'm so glad she has such an obviously loving family with her now......

Anonymous said...

Dear David, Vicky and Mark
I read with great sadness of the passing of Marika. We had known each other since we were 2 years old. I am so sorry that we had lost contect in the last few years. She was always so full of life and energy, a wonderful example for all of us.
Please accept my deepest condolences at this time, let her memory and love always guide and be with you.
Georgine and Marty Nash