Friday, September 5, 2008


We had a great visit with Mum this afternoon. She had been a little groggy in the morning again, but still affectionate and occasionally communicative. This afternoon she was livelier and more responsive - please keep in mind that this is all relative, in the context of being really quite drugged out and exhausted. But it was so lovely to see her smiling, and she was reaching for us lots, so we had some great hugs and kisses. Unfortunately kisses have to be behind the masks and gloves that we have to wear because she still has an MRSA (medication-resistant infection).

Her day nurse was wonderful today - very lively and caring. She encouraged us to continue doing up the room as much as we wanted - this after we took down the one tiny painting opposite Mum's bed and replaced it with one of Mum's own giant paintings. We also had a small CD player with mini-speakers in the background that were playing some classical music in the background (she requested some jazz for tomorrow).

We have been doing two visits a day because she has been so tired and even more so after our visits, but she was more energized today so we will have another visit after she rests while we have our dinner.

I have been sharing your messages and she appreciates them so much - please keep them coming, and thanks for being in touch.


Katrin Horowitz said...

Hi Marika and family,

I'm delighted to hear that today was a better day and hope that tomorrow will be even better. I'm looking forward to working on your book with you, so keep those improvements coming.

Our thoughts are with you,

Barbara said...

Dear Marika,
I am so glad to hear that today was a better day. I forwarded the blog address to Katherin, Susan, Mary, & Nilima. I spoke to Nancy, who is devastated to hear that you are in Hospital. We are all holding you in our prayers & meditations.
Much love,

Unknown said...

Dear Marika and family,
I hope that tomorrow you have a much better day than today.
I am grateful that I can follow your recovery which I hope will be rapid. Your son indicates that you have excellent care and you are surrounded with love.
With love,
Jutka Blau

Anonymous said...

Dràga Marikàm, ma még nincsen uj hir Marktol, de ott még koràn van. Jokat vàrunk, és fog is jönni!Küldjek Neked valamit innen a messzi Baselbol? Képkiàllitàsokrol,szép svajci tàjakrol, aminek örülnél. Drukkolunk, és Davidnak is puszi, Neked sok Kati, es Gèza