Friday, September 19, 2008

Thursday in a nutshell

Quick update on yesterday - I had a quick visit with Mum before heading back to Vancouver and she was quite tired. She wasn't as chatty but of course still affectionate.

She got some great energy healing from Marilyn, and really slept most of the day. She is still giving her orders but a bit less verbally. Vicky and Dad of course spent lots of time with her - Vicky is still great at giving her the spa treatments!

She had some pain on her left side, and we suspect it might be the feeding tube - that is being looked into today.

Rest, rest,'s what she needs at the moment.


Anonymous said...

Good day Marika and family
Foggy this morning but supposed to clear off and be nice and sunny. Joy and I are off to Shelly to sketch the church. The leaves are turning and the colour out in the bush is lovely. One of my neighbors tree tops looks like it is on fire the reds and oranges are so vibrant. Think of you when I see that :)

The battle with the slugs continues but I think I am winning. Either that or the word has gone out to the masses to stay away from the beer bars- lol.

Have a piece accepted to a show at the Art Gallery "Your relationship to the Forest" - put in the watercolour of Al bucking up a birch. It is a week long show upstairs in conjunction with a conference here.

I am delighted to hear you have someone to run some healing enery into you. I continue to send you healing through the universe. My thoughts always with you and your family.

Thank you to Vicki for doing the spa treatments to help through this stressful time.

Rest well my friend.

Love Lynn xo

Anonymous said...

Dear Marika,

How wonderful to see your paintings--and of course the red roofs one is a knockout. Glad to know Barbara has come. Great about her book.

Autumn has finally come to Maine. Ocean swimming,which stopped only two days ago, already seems a distant dream. And I shall be backin Mtl tomorrow.

Am finishing a very long but quite wonderful book by RoseTremain entitled Music and Silence.

Your room sounds a centre of activity--family, nurses, mirrors,stuffed animals coming and going. Keep getting better and stronger, dear friend. My love to David.

Richard Andersen said...

Hi Marika,
It's Richard Andersen, your web guy. Marsha Ross told me that you are under the weather so I thought I'd send you my best wishes.

Anonymous said...

Hi Marika,

As you probably know, the weather has cooled and I can stay happily indoors and do my drawing homework.
We are working in ink, ignoring the details to begin with and capturing the large shapes and angles.
John Luna is a great teacher and not bad to look at too.

I have one of your paintings in the hallway as it waits for the Goward show and so I think of you and your love and colour and light whenever I pass by on my way out or in.

An Aoife story...she found two A's in her puzzles and ran to Angela and said with delight, "Now I can write your name, Mommy.
It's Barry's influence I think. He taught her to pay attention to letters visible outside, ie P for parking, when she was very young.

I'm keeping the positive thoughts coming you way Luv.

Big Hug.