Wednesday, September 17, 2008


It was great to see Mum today - definitely a way better day than yesterday, much to everyone's relief. She continues to be very affectionate, and chatty about a number of things - art, friends and family, various things. Her energy levels do vary, though, and she needs to close her eyes and rest quite frequently. She is always concerned about those who are with her, shooing us out of the room while she rests lest we be bored - when I said we're not bored, she said "Quality, not quantity," and shut her eyes to rest.

There is in some way much more quality too - her throat is infinitely better and swallowing is no problem, which enables her to get her medicine down, as well as occasional chunks of ice cream and healthier drinks that I've provided. Vicky and I have some reservations about what they are continuing to pass off in the name of food and will be raising those concerns tomorrow (Vicky is here until the weekend, keeping up the manicures and pedicures, and more!).

Mum did some physio today - she sat up and did some resistance exercises to get some muscle tone back (her muscles have for obvious reasons very much atrophied). She was quite gung-ho and wanted to do some more but the physiotherapists wanted to make sure not to tire her out too much.

I brought Mum a stuffed Orca doll from BC Ferries - incredibly soft, much more so than the pillowcases at the hospital (not exactly 350 threadcount). She was happy to have a companion for the little platypus doll who also shares space in her bed when he doesn't get mysteriously relocated (he was hiding under the bed today). The nurses have commented that they never know what they'll find in her bed - a cell phone, platypus, make-up mirror...

The cards continue to arrive in hoardes and we're almost running out of room on the wall opposite her bed (as seen in the picture in an earlier post) so we'll have to start decorating other walls too, it seems. She is enjoying those and her paintings - she asked if I could bring her some rocks, noting that there must be some in the car. I told her there would definitely be some in the car, along with sand, sticks, mud-caked boots, crumpled tissue, half-packets of Halls, and squished boxes of band-aids. She laughed louder than she's been able to in ages.

I'll be flying back to Vancouver Thursday morning but will drop by to visit before leaving town - she seems to be in good shape in the mornings.


Anonymous said...

Hi Marika,

Everyday Mark's updates about you get better and better.
It is good to hear you are able to swallow again.
Today Matthew and I are busy getting ready for our visit out west. We see his oncologist as well. So it is a busy day.

Keep the nurses guessing about what they might find in your bed. Helps to keep them on their toes.

Love and hugs,
Carol and Matthew

Anonymous said...

Dràga Marikam,az utolso iromànyom ugy néz ki hogy nem ment el, nem vagyok nagyon hozzàértö. Azota nagyon reméljükhogy a javulàs utjàn vagy , és jobban érzed magadat. Mai "jelentés" még nem volt, de Nälatok még csak dél van.Vàrjuk a tovàbbi jo hireket, nagyon sok szeretettel Neked és az egész csalàdnak puszi Kati és Géza

Anonymous said...

Hi marika, Good to catch up with mark's updates - my internet has been down for a couple of days. Glad you are able to take a little sustenance. I liked the photos of your room and the paintings as I can think of you there, and recognized some of them. Saw Sally Coleshe sends her love, but has not mastered the blog comments yet!
Love to you all,Mary B.
Mary B.

Anonymous said...

Dear Marika,
It has been a busy time here on the other side of the world, so there has been unexisting time to write or call. We had friends visiting us, the little darlings (grandchildren of course) to take care of and at the end my bees, which are now prepared for the winter. We have kept us updated with Mark's writing about your state and is relieved to know that you are able to swallow and eat again. It is wonderful to know that your family take such good care of you and what we can do here far away is to send you our good thoughts all the time. We think constantly of you.....
For the weekend we are leaving for Sortorp, having Joakim and Frida with us and also Louis and Monica are coming to stay. There will be excursions for mushroom-picking, hope to be able to send you some photos. Lots of love from Franci and family

Anonymous said...

Hi Marika,
It's good to read and follow all the blogs and comments from Mark an your family all being there at your side. We are thinking a lot of you, Dave, Vicky and Mark. Good that you are able to swallow again. Soon you'll get stronger. We didn't go to Sörtorp as planned.
Now fall is here with lots of colors. Like in your paintings. Like you. Hugs and kisses from all of us to you.
Louis, Monica, Cilla and Carro