Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Professor Emerita: The Stander

On the stage
Dr. Jacqueline Holler presents her
to the audience
saying the name
with Hungarian emphasis
carefully cradling the word that speaks
Marika's family history

a melody of syllables and sounds
fall into one another the way a mountain stream makes music on stones

she talks about Marika's worldwide reputation as a
renowned scholar of Science
reads a list of her publications,
appointments, accomplishments

the list is long

Marika Gosztonyi Ainley stands beside the podium
a woman with red hair in a red dress
before an audience of
seven hundred graduating students
more than a thousand parents, grandparents, siblings, children, friends
fifty distinguished guests
one hundred members of the faculty and
a spectacular array of honourees and dignitaries

she stands there
head high
beautifully composed, quiet
she doesn't flinch, nor smile, she simply stands
radiating certainty
confident in the deep value of a life of dedicated work
calmly receptive to the honours bestowed upon her

(c) Jacqueline Baldwin, 05:27:05


Anonymous said...

Hi Marika,

We are missing you at Grads and of course the Salad Social Group is hoping for your speady recovery so you can join us again for some tidbits of both food and friendship. You are strong and let that guide you through. Our thoughts are with you. D. Joyce Anderson said...

Draga Marikam, ha az igaz lenne, hogy akit emlegetnek az csuklik, nem lenne jo. Gèzaval sokat emlegetünk és beszélünk is Rolad, mert drukkolunk hogy a javulàs utjàra lépjél! Figyeljük a beszàmolokat Marktol, igazàn büszke lehetsz a sràcaidra. Gyöngyi is ott van Veled, Öt is csokoljuk . Remélem sikerül megkapnod az iromànyaimat. Mindennap fogok irni Puszi Kati és Géza

Anonymous said...

Hi again Marika,

My spelling is something else. I did mean Speedy not Speady. Hope you can forgive your fellow Grad. Love for now, Joyce Anderson

Anonymous said...

Thinking about you lots as I pack up for my trip to Australia. I am including a silk scarf that you gave me on one of your visits to Toronto. It has Haida carvings on it. I will get Alison to help me find your Blog. Wishing you more comfort as the days progress and enjoyment of some Scotch. I agree jello is the pits. Love Margaret

Anonymous said...

Hi Marika,
Glad to hear your sister arrived safely and is taking good care, My thoughts and prayers with you all, Love mary (Montreal)

Anonymous said...

Hi Marianne, I just heard today that you've been through some pretty rough chemo treatment and I'm delighted to hear that you are improving day by day. What a great picture of you and David on your Alaska trip. That must have been a real treat. When we did our trip across the country we mad it as far as Hyder Alaska and that was a magnificent experience. It was the spawning season and we saw the salmon making their way back to the spawning grounds. It was a remarkable sight and the river was being patrolled by black bears and grizzlies. I never saw such courage as those salmon had- the kind of courage I associate with you. I appreciate this blog site and I will check in every day. The day you drink the scotch I'll drink one with you and for you. Actually, I've been trying to send this message since Monday without success. Here's hoping that it might work today. Lots of love, Dana.